Wednesday, August 20, 2014

SO if I could borrow a minute of your time please....I just posted this on my social media page.

 I love that everyone gets the chance to party and go to festivals but while you at it could you please think about this....."I always said the saying, back in the old days, during Vietnam the saying, was "bring the war home." Now a lot of the true revolutionaries go to these great festivals and events, great go experience yourself, find others, but then please, please bring it home. SO now I say "bring the Burn home" or "bring the Rainbow home!" I want to feel joy for all my friends who get to go to all these wonderful events, and I do, I hope they are discovering themselves, and real spirit, this world needs that spirit right now. I look at the state of the world, and shake my head and think what could, we do where we are at, to make the world a better place. We walk around talking spirit, tattooing it on our bodies, using spirit to get to the next party, by being the life of the party. So yes what could that spirit do if it was applied to the world, if we stopped wasting our money and time, freeloading off spirit for fun and games, and we brought that joy of experience home to share. Believe me I'm not jealous of anyone or trying to harsh anyone's mellow or whatever, just asking for people to be thoughtful on our journeys. I've seen the many paths this world is headed right now it doesn't look good, and I'm glad there are event like Burning Man, Boom, Rainbow gatherings, and such, people can "find" themselves and others at. I'm glad my friends are successful, at being fully capable of being "the party" being free, letting go of all the woes of the world, the baggage they have collected personally let it go......there is a time to bring what you have learned home though, versus always taking it "out there," and it is now more than ever..... there is a time to put away playthings, and do something as adults to change the world for the better, and it is now......excuse my ramblings I just want with all my heart to see a better more loving world, and I can't ignore the fact that the world is crumbling in our hands, by parting my life away any longer. With love an light in my heart enjoy your travels, wherever they lead you, may we bring love and light to all who we meet." Aaron

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