Wednesday, August 20, 2014

SO if I could borrow a minute of your time please....I just posted this on my social media page.

 I love that everyone gets the chance to party and go to festivals but while you at it could you please think about this....."I always said the saying, back in the old days, during Vietnam the saying, was "bring the war home." Now a lot of the true revolutionaries go to these great festivals and events, great go experience yourself, find others, but then please, please bring it home. SO now I say "bring the Burn home" or "bring the Rainbow home!" I want to feel joy for all my friends who get to go to all these wonderful events, and I do, I hope they are discovering themselves, and real spirit, this world needs that spirit right now. I look at the state of the world, and shake my head and think what could, we do where we are at, to make the world a better place. We walk around talking spirit, tattooing it on our bodies, using spirit to get to the next party, by being the life of the party. So yes what could that spirit do if it was applied to the world, if we stopped wasting our money and time, freeloading off spirit for fun and games, and we brought that joy of experience home to share. Believe me I'm not jealous of anyone or trying to harsh anyone's mellow or whatever, just asking for people to be thoughtful on our journeys. I've seen the many paths this world is headed right now it doesn't look good, and I'm glad there are event like Burning Man, Boom, Rainbow gatherings, and such, people can "find" themselves and others at. I'm glad my friends are successful, at being fully capable of being "the party" being free, letting go of all the woes of the world, the baggage they have collected personally let it go......there is a time to bring what you have learned home though, versus always taking it "out there," and it is now more than ever..... there is a time to put away playthings, and do something as adults to change the world for the better, and it is now......excuse my ramblings I just want with all my heart to see a better more loving world, and I can't ignore the fact that the world is crumbling in our hands, by parting my life away any longer. With love an light in my heart enjoy your travels, wherever they lead you, may we bring love and light to all who we meet." Aaron

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"Determinalism" and crime!

Born into a world you did not choose, your mother has held you for some odd months, you are born into her situation......and from that moment a spark of light, poof! dancing shadows on the wall. I am not shadow dancing, and this may be Socratic metaphor, worthy of investigation. If you were born in the we$tern world that is The "United" $tate$ you probably are pretty well acculturated by mass media, and consumerism. Because since you were born, regardless of class and race and social boundaries "we as a people" have been fed many a lie about "Wealth" and possession. What is true wealth? Is it power? Is it money.......... is it love, it seems the lie of money and power equals love has been sold like snake oil to our unsuspecting ancestors for well since the conception of capitalism and the slavery it bases it's foundations on. I believe it is time to do our ancestors justice and finally free ourselves from the lie of wealth......Hummmm thousands of years of slavery twice as many even ten times as many now because of the population increase. Sex slaves, child slaves, sweatshop slaves, wage slaves, all created by mass media and the mental slavery of materialism it imposes.
The emperors are still the same nothing has changed things are shinier more streamlined and convenient, the emperor still wears no cloths.... he represents freedom and justice and liberty but these things are thin illusions, so he's pretty darn naked. You can break your own laws when you have a large slave class waiting hand and foot, telling you how wonderful your lie is, it's still a lie! The top ten percent, naked pompous gluttonous petulance war-mongering border drawing predatory vampiritic naked emperors, can we not see them?! There will always be emperors enslaving the masses mentally spiritually?!" As a child I was popped full of pills and stuck in front of the TV, It seems my conversations with spirits started around that time I remember a spider-like energy coming from the TV telling me things, All these shows were programming me I was living in a dream world not of my creating and I was being programed and poisoned by a very insidious stepfather in my early youth was the vice president of Mobil Oil's computer operations systems which was pretty new tech for back in the 70's. He was a wealthy respected man but he was a 24/7 mental and physical abuser. I remember my mother saying "I only stay with him cause he can give us a better quality of life" it rings in my ears. How many women throughout his-story have felt that way!.......My Saturdays consisted of watching NBC cartoons S.M.U.R.F.S ( Socialist Men Under Red Father...) and then sitting in front of the burning hot stove for eight hours......I told the shrink my step father was abusive and he just gave me more pills, my stepfather was paying his $lave $alery to shut me up. So there I am little Mr. test guinea pig for all the lovely pharmaceuticals used today, oh boy was I on a really bad trip. After watching the SMURFS, stuck in front of the stove meanwhile my brothers being force-fed his birthday cake or some other nonsense he didn't want to eat.....I am burning up amped on Ritalin high from the excessive sugar in the fruity loops, my brain is spun by cross-marketed children's shows and miles of advertising and I realize something......... I am being programed, it's a predestined thing, created by my situation, I am determinalized by my environment. All people programmed by the position we are in, they put us in the hotseat and use fear and frustration, they use hope of some ethereal liberation some un-freedom.......I was kid.......I didn't understand it made me depressed it created a new kind of fear within me fear of myself in such a situation that I controlled nothing! Control is overrated........My abusive stepfather was the original metaphor, wealthy white conservative man keeping a pretty subordinate trophy wife. It's all a plot to create an illusion, of happiness an illusion of love, inside it's the hot seat it's the angry dominating abusive white man. It's the controlling white man telling you your wrong for having feelings, doping you on pills teaching you addictive behavior. It's the rotten child slavery of those toys, made by child slaves to be played with by children. Of coarse the eighties were so great the U$ had brought consumerism......ooops, um I mean "Dumocrassy" to the world, and they have been putting them to work in the sweatshops ever gunpoint............Anyhow I was feeling pretty freaked out I think I remained that way for a very long time...... T I couldn't believe it but it's true, this world they have created is an angry white man it's hot room making decisions for an entire planet, and the decision it has found most successful is slavery! Mommy why did you have to go to work mommy why do you stay with him....."because I have too son, he gives us a better quality of life" "what kind of life is this mommy what kind of life are you giving us by supporting him staying with him, I don't care if we can't shop at Neiman Marcus, please mommy"........Eventually after a broken arm nose and rib my mother divorced the bastard. I loathed him so much by that point, he represented everything wrong with society, he was this dominating predatory white beast he had enforced values in my brother and I that has taken me years to come to terms with, most glitches I deal with day by day.......Because of the laws in Texas my mother got nothing but the house and his car, cancellation prizes for the 5 years of domestic torture "good ol boy style"........I tell you this a s a metaphor for my life and my rebellion against the system, I feel many other people have thier own stories, stories of how they ended up where they are sitting right now, criminals, liberators, revolutionaries, eventually they dog will bite when back into a corner.......These angry "wealthy" white men can throw up so many illusions so many shadows that a child who is unaware can fall into a trance and eventually become a product of a system, a system of a hot room and an angry white man drugging them and telling them how to be......does this metaphor shine through........These are the men running our country, controlling us our past present and tring to control our future. They use pluralism to hide their racism, they use women to disguise there inferiority complex, they use religion to impose they're fear, politics to prove there intelligence....they make products to make life easier to make people fatter and lazier and lonelier. They say witty things and smile a lot when they are on camera or out with their family at church bein "Good" little hypocrites......They talk about terrorism, they do because they understand it so well so well in fact they can manipulate our minds to believe they're rhetoric, "neurolingustice programming." They control all aspects of everything they program us to keep there lie hidden behind those illusions......they're illusions are so thin, so they create laws to reinforce them they tell us that they will provide justice but how can they when the entire reality is unjust to all the beings and to the future of the planet......they're justice is a lie, and they're system creates the laws more importantly they're system creates the sickness of the crime imposing materialistic individuality. The fear..... the terrorism imposed on our minds 24/7/365 days of cross marketed product placement, sensation journalism, mind bending digressive, demonizing rhetoric complete utter fabrications made up by angry white men in very hot rooms, to keep the slaves in their place!

I Am not a criminal, I was born into a world I did not create, I was forced to believe in lies, I was forced to go to war with myself as the United $tate$ has with the entire planet and everyone on it! Something must be done, they're are many fates to choose from, the path they lead us down is built on a pattern of empires rising and falling, look at his-story! I have seen most fates, by studying these patterns of culture: trend, addiction, co-dependance to monolithic based economics and epidemiology the study of how diseases spread........How has America spread? It's happening, it's been happening it always has for as long as angry men have been clenching they're ignorant fists, and stealing territories, the workers the slaves the invisible ones we make up the entire world! We are nothing, they are nothing! We must show them how nothing they and they're ideals are.........stop buying they're bullshit Colonial lie, stop buying they're products I have been monitoring Fox news learning how they are doing mass manipulation. Media Watchdog is the new "Turn Off your TV." Study the lies in detail that is a great awakening tool if you are a smart enough, to not buy into they're poison of fear mongering. Being able to understand "Neurolingustic programming" you can dissect all media it's products find the manipulatory core, every little bit of this reality is a balance of power, it's time to tip the scales, reclaim the TAO. Thousands of years the top ten percent hording enslaving and stealing our earth from us! We are the meek humble slaves they made our people that way using fear, terrorism now, god then. We are the enlightened ones we must act now to dismantle the current reality and create a world based on true love, the love of community, true passion and no possessions. Can you imagine no more theft, if objects become worthless. No more rape if people are not objectified and communities are involved. No more hatred if brothers and sisters can sit and share the bounty of the earths glory at the same dinner table, if the people of the world gather together in love, that is God, Namaste! Looking at a person eye to eye knowing you have these different stories yet looking past all that to see the similarities the core essence of all is that we are all connected in our struggle for survive. Why struggle? You can't eat war, or find shelter in "nuclear arms", and the abusive angry white man, well she divorced him a long time ago, I got a loving community and for us I am seeking solutions to create a better world for all.....
Aaron Dolson

Poems:Path to home

Locked in my dreams a world unseen a path of acceptance a road to reflection,
I wander these twists an turns, cut by thorns and briars of scorn self pity self hate just a moment on my path not my fate but a reason to change knowing how to find my name realize we are all the same as the same, the stars the galaxies they all sing our names.
Sometimes I look up to see the way out stumbling crying, screaming I shout, “why must my path be so alone,” no one replies so I fall back into my lies a thin disguise, illusions of a home other than my heart, that is square one, each day I learn to start as if it were the first the morning haze of my birth into change the morning dew my breast milk, I drink from the goddesses teat an the creatures occasionally come out to greet me as a friend, but they only wait with me for the moment, and I keep moving along my path of conception looking past the deceptions of things I release the material possession which make the path harder to climb, like Sisyphus the boulder I let go of returns to remind me move on on down my path past the mountainous gates of the eternal landscape of a past which is a life, not held in strife or pain along the path comes fallen rain reminding me many must cleanse allow the hurt to drain into the colors of the sunset the oceans will help us remember forget our moment, we dive in swimming through tears across to the other side I am still alive not drowned but refreshed dive in, there never was time to regret, so I am beget to traverse through a new land with many paths many directions not just one many ways of moving towards the moon mother the father the sun I choose the path of conflict for the experience the overgrown weeds the piles of composting leaves the high grass I stop to smell how sweet the new world of hills and dales maybe I might meet someone I think, we might exchange great tales of our travels, but when I look to the horizon I see not one other person, it could seem lonely or fearful but at the drop of my tears on the earth a flower emerges, telling me not to stop but to keep pushing forward and up, up I go to the highest point I stop and contemplate solitude, no more loneliness no more fear I leave those on top of this mountain look out and see another trail which leads me down into the valley of my dreams, it is only a moment this path it is not like any of us are really ever trapped think of the moment watch it pass, nothing is forever nothing lasts, we can choose to let go to become willing to show the beauty we know is true moving through our moments of solitude loneliness fear and joy we are capable of so much more than one direction we are capable of making the paths have a connection, at that moment my epiphany arises I begin to see the others who are just like me and out of the breeze across the plains a circle of hands rises and people call out my name, I have reached the center of myself and because I have not been afraid to see the people on the path behind beside become apparent to me, and I no longer have doubts no longer have pain for I reach out to those who circle and loving those who find life sacred I now find the truth of eternity is seeing we are all the same, I was never alone, I needed to not see myself to accept myself before I could see others, sisters brothers, and though the path was long tedious and hard at the end is a beginning of a new world where all beings sacred together, lovers and friends together we see all roads lead to the unification of you and me, this is free, this is a place to call home no more will we ever be alone, we are home welcome home, welcome home, I love you, this is how we have grown
(Written by Aaron Dolson)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Like a flower we fade away

Loosing someone is so hard
Especially when so close to your heart
It takes a moment too,
Find out all the things they meant to you

Sometimes we go through life
Starting this or that drama or fight
Along with all pleasure, there must be a pain
But we remain in each others lives, or leave the scene

Long after the flowers of you and I have fallen
I can see them blooming a garden inside me
What made me love, and even hate so....
Passionatly, I have to use that emotion, to fertilize grow

To know?
Like a flower we fade away

I have so many comings and goings
So many who say they are there, but
.....who knows?
I guess in the end it's just me
I deal with my own life, it's stories of glory
and the realness built out of it's tragedies

I have come into your life
I really do try to do right, but
sometimes I falter, sometimes we fail
I am forgotten, even worse misbegotten!

I was never born to be perfect, no life is
I was made to fall down
To pick myself up again and again
To try to be better, begin again and again
and again.

Like a flower we fade away

Understand my story as my truth
I am human, I bleed my proof
People cannot be one anothers ideal
and it's sometimes very hard to have compassion
to heal, or deal, with others
(understanding sisters and brothers)

So we wander in and out of lives
Looking for someone to understand our strife
To lift each other up
From darkeness into the light
Keep fighting for what you know
(empowerment is right)

We cling to those momments it is our life
Who has lifted who has made us take flight!
How we all desearve to be perfect, in someones eyes
Just being who we are regardless of flaws, misteps
....or personal lies

Who can see the shining life behind the protective disguise?


To understand the human heart
Is to understand both joy and hurt,
I have to love until I can't and then
If there is no second, third chance, I'll fade
.....fade away

Like a flower, we all someday........ will fade away

Aaron Dolson
July 24th 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Faerie tale:The story of weaving

Once long before the traffic and noise
Their lived the woman of the woods the daughter of the moon,
Octal the weaver of all things on earth
And from her womb she spun the web connecting all things to her grandmother, through her mother the moon.
It happened one day that she was weaving, and two small girls walked out of the woods, nude as the day they were born for they had not worn clothing during this time.
“well hello dear ones, I am surprised you have found me here weaving the earth from my loom!”
the two girls looked at one another
“well since you have found me I will have to teach you a secret, and this you shall share with your daughters as my mother and grandmother have shared this wisdom with me!”
she proceeded to take the girls into her lap one on each leg
and she proceeded to continue her weaving.
Wolves jumped from her loom and trees and shadows and the breeze.
Then she gave the girls the loom to try.
But no animals jumped from the loom, no trees no bees.
Here she said let me see this thing.
She took the loom and out jumped a sheep, such a pretty little sheep, and she took her shears from behind her ears, and cut the fur of the sheep.
“now dear ones, here is a more suitable thing for you to weave”
she balled up the fur, thread it in and they both began to weave a string, next they took the string at her command and onto the loom it went, like magic they wove fabric on the loom, smiling and singing the weaving tune, then the evening came,
“I must return to my mother the moon, here though now you have a secret to share with your daughter’s and granddaughters, just as my mother and grandmother have shared this with me, but understand this magic can enslave you or set you free, always share it with those who can see nothing become something, never share it with anyone who wishes to use this power to dictate, or forever will your people be enslaved.”
And with this she split into three maid mother and crone one going into the earth one going through the moon and one going up into the stars.
And the girls knowing the secret of weaving walked off into different directions to share their secret with the ones who show great care, to not enslave, but to share.

Locked in my dreams a world unseen a path of acceptance a road to reflection,

I wander these twists an turns, cut by thorns and briars of scorn self pity self hate just a moment on my path not my fate but a reason to change knowing how to find my name realize we are all the same as the same, the stars the galaxies they all sing our names.
Sometimes I look up to see the way out stumbling crying, screaming I shout, “why must my path be so alone,” no one replies so I fall back into my lies a thin disguise, illusions of a home other than my heart, that is square one, each day I learn to start as if it were the first the morning haze of my birth into change the morning dew my breast milk, I drink from the goddesses teat an the creatures occasionally come out to greet me as a friend, but they only wait with me for the moment, and I keep moving along my path of conception looking past the deceptions of things I release the material possession which make the path harder to climb, like Sisyphus the boulder I let go of returns to remind me move on on down my path past the mountainous gates of the eternal landscape of a past which is a life, not held in strife or pain along the path comes fallen rain reminding me many must cleanse allow the hurt to drain into the colors of the sunset the oceans will help us remember forget our moment, we dive in swimming through tears across to the other side I am still alive not drowned but refreshed dive in, there never was time to regret, so I am beget to traverse through a new land with many paths many directions not just one many ways of moving towards the moon mother the father the sun I choose the path of conflict for the experience the overgrown weeds the piles of composting leaves the high grass I stop to smell how sweet the new world of hills and dales maybe I might meet someone I think, we might exchange great tales of our travels, but when I look to the horizon I see not one other person, it could seem lonely or fearful but at the drop of my tears on the earth a flower emerges, telling me not to stop but to keep pushing forward and up, up I go to the highest point I stop and contemplate solitude, no more loneliness no more fear I leave those on top of this mountain look out and see another trail which leads me down into the valley of my dreams, it is only a moment this path it is not like any of us are really ever trapped think of the moment watch it pass, nothing is forever nothing lasts, we can choose to let go to become willing to show the beauty we know is true moving through our moments of solitude loneliness fear and joy we are capable of so much more than one direction we are capable of making the paths have a connection, at that moment my epiphany arises I begin to see the others who are just like me and out of the breeze across the plains a circle of hands rises and people call out my name, I have reached the center of myself and because I have not been afraid to see the people on the path behind beside become apparent to me, and I no longer have doubts no longer have pain for I reach out to those who circle and loving those who find life sacred I now find the truth of eternity is seeing we are all the same, I was never alone, I needed to not see myself to accept myself before I could see others, sisters brothers, and though the path was long tedious and hard at the end is a beginning of a new world where all beings sacred together, lovers and friends together we see all roads lead to the unification of you and me, this is free, this is a place to call home no more will we ever be alone, we are home welcome home, welcome home, I love you, this is how we have grown
Activating your life, an accumulation of dreams,
Is this your epic and mythic theme?
Or are we just living in some patriarch’s dream?
Living each life with unfulfilled schemes?
Throughout the centuries we’ve traveled?
Along same paths and many roads?

Do our intentions cross or weave?
Or is our heart meant not to believe?
It’s doubts that haunt me?
In my heart I am broken?
Need of some fixing, empowerment compassion?
Outside false messiahs, and false profits?
Am I a victim of my circumstance?
A survivor, a thriver coming into the light?
Do I perpetuate my truth?
The truth I have become wise of because of my oppression, from my youth?
Are we empowering each other’s truths?
Or are we empowering each other’s weakness?
Out of the darkness?
Into the light?
Up from a movement?
Born in the night?
Heroes shall rise?
Show the world a better way to survive?
A reason to wake each morning involved and alive?
Build up through strife?
Save your, our people’s lives?
Is this why you’re alive?
To change the coarse of the tides?
So that all of humanity is one?
Until this spell weaves and comes undone?
Will we live our day’s with praise?
Acknowledge the teachings that come our way?
What is an epic hero to do?
The revolution starts in me?
Does it start in you?
Do you feel so liberated and free?
What about the people living in slavery?
Is there death and war all over this planet?
You do see it don’t you?
Is anything I am saying getting though?
We must rise up and make it through?
We must build a better world?
Cherish the humble?
All wholly as god?
Not more separation?
No more hatred?
No more war?
We create?
War with ourselves? War with others? War with the world?
Should we? Could we? Would we?
Revolution with the self? Revolution with others? Revolution with the world?
Is it this simple?
Can we claim responsibility for our own actions?
Can we activate consciousness with others?
Thus creating a current for mass change to happen?
Are we twittling our thumbs?
Not living by our words?
Not activating the ancestors in our DNA?
Are we clung up in the web?
Blinded by the fibers of a deceitful spell?
Removing all illusions?
Fibers are weak?
But control is strong?
Do you see me?
Am I feeling you?
Are we understanding?
Finding solutions?
Perpetuating potions?
A notion to wake up?
Find devotion?
Self love?
Love of others?
Of all?
Activating it?
No more self sabotage?
How have things become better?
Moving through obsessive abusive patterns?
Rising up from how much oppression?
Becoming adult?
Wise mystic elder?
A guiding light?
An inspirational life?
Do we see the changes inside?
As we grow into it?
Accept it?
Share it and reflect it?
Is it like a blinding light?
Are we afraid to walk into the truth?
Is it to soon?
“How soon is now?”
When does it all begin?
Didn’t it at our birth?
Hasn’t the truth been brewing inside?
All your life?
All the loss of life, we’ve seen?
People burned building a greedy dream?
Don’t you sometimes wanna scream it out?
Let the dogs out of the house?
But what does the rage do?
Do people want to listen to me or you?
When we build a cage built on rage?
Can we find the emotion that is crippling our approach?
Can we accept one another as eternal life coaches?
Is it ok to look into your eyes?
To look past your pain?
To find the truth hidden inside?
To pull it out?
Remove guilt fear and doubt?
to help it thrive?
So many questions?
So much time?
I hope the answers will complete my rhythm?
Finalize my rhyme?
So sign your name on the dotted line?
Is revolutionary evolution?
Right in our minds?

Aaron Dolson